Monday, February 1, 2010

Every year, we find monarch caterpillars, feed them until they turn into chrysalises and then set them free when they hatch. This was Lily.

One of the highlights of the summer is going to a local fair in a neighboring agricultural county. This year was even better because my parents, brother and his family and my aunts, uncles and cousins and their families were all there!



The corn dog company should send us a check to use this in their next advertisement! Aaaaahhh, the taste of summer.

Bug shares my farmer dreams. He wistfully longs for sheep. Can't you tell?!

Cousins and second cousins. (and sheep)

Gorgeous gals.

The cutest critter in the petting zoo!

The fair was so awesome, it even had tigers!

My pride and joy -- my first garden including my sunflower that I grew from a tiny little seed!

Let's get a little closer look. . .

And a little closer. . .aahhh. . .my "fourth baby!"

These beauties just glowed and brought me joy every morning.

We also celebrated Bean's 8th birthday by having a party with all of her girl classmates.

"Boola" and "Blito" (Abuelita and Abuelito) were also there!

No party is complete without a pinata!

Cousin Iceman braved Girl World! (and survived).

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